Terms of Use and Privacy Policies

These terms and policies dictate the general conditions of brunobarros.online content and service use. By accessing this website, you get the status of User. It implies your full and unreserved acceptance of this publication at the time of the website access.

If the User is under the age of eighteen (18) years old, he or she must obtain the permission of his or her legal representative (parents or guardians). They will be held solely responsible for the User actions. It also applies if you're not fully capable of acts of civil life. Under the terms of the Brazilian Civil Code.

The User must:

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Respect the ethical and moral standards.

Comply with the applicable legal rules.

Being responsible for all burdens and responsibilities arising from acts .

Being responsible for all burdens and responsibilities arising from acts performed while using any service..

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If the User contacts sponsored content through this site as a User, you should read their particular conditions before using each of these services. The ideas, suggestions, concepts, and opinions portrayed on this website have the sole purpose of informing and educating.

The author completely disclaims any liability for the use, interpretation, and consequence of the direct or indirect use of any information contained on this website by the User. The information shared, without any external reference, is purely personal opinion, based on personal experience. It should not be construed as a substitute for advice from professional experts in their respective fields.

The only identifiable data we ask from the User is your email address. When the user shows interest in receiving our articles, he or she authorizes the receipt of emails from [email protected]. The mailing lists, under no circumstances, will be sold or forwarded to third parties, and the subscriber may permanently unsubscribe at any time. Under no circumstances do we send emails to the user requesting information.

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This text may be changed at any time. Visit this page regularly and check the current conditions. Some provisions may be superseded by express legal terms or notices located on particular pages of this site.

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